
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

really good people

I usually write just for the weekly East section, though once in a while I get assignments for the daily paper. Today, on 2A, is a story I wrote about Richard Gomez. One of his grandchildren died in a house fire last March. While Christmas will be one of the hardest times for his tight-knit family, they've turned around and provided Christmas for a family much needier.

You read the story at it might be heartwarming or interesting. There are people out there who do things without fanfare. Mr. Gomez had no intention of attracting the media, but when we were told the story (by Principal Keith of Dalraida Elementary, who was wonderfully beside herself), he was very nice to speak with. No surprise. He was humble and soft-spoken. He was sad about his granddaughter but smiled when talking about how she just sang all the time, everywhere. She loved music. She was a very happy child. In part because of her, seven local children are going to have more gifts than they've ever dreamed of. Six each.

I met one of those children, and he was small, very sweet, and a little sad. Principal Keith called him into her office to see how he was doing, and his eyes never left her face when she was smiling and asking what he'd eaten for lunch, small questions. He was all "yes, ma'am," "no, ma'am" and concentration. They hugged on farewell as Mr Gomez and I watched. When the boy left, all our eyes were damp.

Principal Keith knows these children, and knew the moment she was asked which family she'd like to have "adopted" for Christmas. That child was on her mind immediately, and he's stuck in mine.


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