
Thursday, November 1, 2007

no treat, thank you

Last night, my husband and I were stationed at the house on candy duty. We take this seriously, since we sometimes spend Halloween away from the house. When we're there, we offer great stuff, and plenty of it. We do not skimp on the sweets, and take pride in how cool the kids must think it is that they not only get a wee Snickers, but also a Reeses cup and a Blow-Pop. Awesome, right?
Well last night, I was shocked into place. A group of girls, ranging from 6 to 9, maybe, rang the doorbell and I opened up with the basket of treats. I complimented costumes, acted frightened at the ghost, called the princess "m'lady" when offering her choice of candy and everyone was like "cool!" when taking three or four goodies at a time... and then the winged angel smiled up to me "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" I held out the basket, and she looked at the packets of Skittles, chocolates, Starbursts and Reeses. Her face gently fell, and she looked back to me to say "oh. . no, thank you" before turning with her friends and moving to the next house.


Not only was a rebuffed by a 7-year-old angel, but she had manners.


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